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Главный офис:
м. «Охотный ряд»

125375, г. Москва, ул. Тверская д.7, офис 605. (в здании Центрального Телеграфа)
тел. (495) 648-91-88 (мн.)
схема проезда

Экскурсионный туризм Отдых Экзотические страны Активный отдых Деловой туризм Авиабилеты

Главная / Incoming /

Ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to the Travel Agency "Majestic Travel"!

We were established in 2001 and today we have highly experienced and very professional staff in the field of incoming & international tourism. Our colleges are pleased to offer you the following services:  
   -    Hotel bookings  
   -    Travel transfers  
   -    Domestic and International ticketing  
   -   Visa support for foreigners  

Possessing different discounts on booking, transports and other services our managers are offering you: 
   -   Individual and group services 
   -   Evening and week-end excursions around Moscow and other attractive historical regions of Russia with professional, high skilled English-, French-, German-, Italian-, Spanish-, Hungarian-speaking guides and interpreters  
   -   Various  tours and excursions around  The golden Ring, St.Petersburg, Moscow, Kaluga`s region (close to Moscow; the native town of Tziolkovskiy – the father of Russian cosmonautics; world famous convents & monasteries   that inspired Dostoevskiy, Tolstoy, Gogol) and others historical places with the same guides  
   -   Voyages down the rivers and channels of Russia  
   -   Cultural programs for business trips  

Reach us by phone or by E-mail, inquire for various excursions, hotels, transports  or interpreters and we would be glad to satisfy your tastes at once!